900 bars and restaurants in Ibiza, committed to recycling

900 bars and restaurants in Ibiza, committed to recycling

The NGO Ecovidrio, in collaboration with the Consell de Ibiza, has launched a summer campaign called Green Flags Movement. 

This initiative aims to promote the recycling in catering establishments and leisure, which have welcomed the proposal. Not in vain, they have joined it. 900 businesses from all over the island.

Its measures include the visit of experts for staff training and good practice recommendations to the bar and restaurant staff, as well as to the customers.

A competition to see which municipality recycles the most

The initiative has been set up with a somewhat competitive background. In fact, it is intended to awarding the Green Flag to the municipality of the island that shows the greatest commitment to the protection of the coastline throughout the summer period.

As an incentive to the catering establishments, those most committed to the cause will receive an master class by the distinguished chef Quique Dacosta.

It should be noted that summer is a difficult time for recycling, as this is the time of the year. is only performed on 1/3 of all recovered material.. In addition to this, there is the possibility of strike among landfill workers.

Of course, tourism and the consequent increase in consumption of products can also damage the balanced ecosystem of the island.

Because of this, in Ibiza Sostenible we have always defended the tourism with guarantees of sustainability y respect for the environment.

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